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HabiTerre Secures $10 Million Series A Investment to Scale Farmer-Centric Sustainability and Productivity Solutions

HabiTerre, Inc., a deep science and technology company dedicated to scalable quantification of environmental outcomes to support sustainable agriculture as a climate solution, is pleased to announce that it has completed an initial close of $10 million in its Series A Investment round.

“This investment validates and enables the potential for our technology to support the development of efficient market mechanisms that reward farmers for production efficiency and improved environmental outcomes. We are thrilled to be scaling and accelerating our efforts to solve market-wide challenges with farmer data efficiency and scientifically rigorous environmental impact quantification for cropland agriculture,” said Nick Reinke, CEO of HabiTerre.

The agricultural sector is a significant contributor to global GHG emissions, yet quantifying food and ag supply chain emissions at scale is a unique and persistent challenge. Corporate climate targets often rely on low-resolution emissions factors, leading to inaccuracies and inconsistent measurements. Companies and stakeholders in the agricultural industry need reliable, scalable, and accurate data to measure, track, and ultimately reduce their environmental impact, while maintaining cost efficiency. The lack of clear, consistent, and scalable methods for quantifying GHG emissions has made it difficult for businesses to work effectively with farmers and commodity suppliers to pursue and meet their environmental goals.
HabiTerre’s environmental systems models holistically represent ag production systems with focus on quantifying Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions and soil carbon outcomes resulting from improved agricultural practices. By explicitly representing all above and below ground ag ecosystem processes, HabiTerre is able to analyze how different farming techniques impact crop productivity and the environment. With its detailed representation of plant processes and multi-process interactions including soil microbes and soil carbon pools, the model is a versatile tool applicable to croplands, grasslands, forests, and wetlands, well suited for analyzing the effects of agricultural practices on ecosystem health and GHG emissions.

“This is an exciting new launching point for HabiTerre”, said Dr. Kaiyu Guan, founder of HabiTerre. “We have the ambition to become a global standard to quantify agricultural decarbonization and sustainability metrics. We are building upon an already strong history, but there is much more work yet to be done, and HabiTerre is excited to dig in and be the industry leader.”

This investment will enable the company to accelerate scaling of their innovative offering to serve more customers across the ag value chain, building upon recent milestones such as their successful third party model validation with the Climate Action Reserve, providing the confidence their customers need when reporting on GHG emissions reductions and removals.


AgFunderNews Interviews CEO Nick Reinke

AgFunderNews recently connected with Nick to learn more about this capital raise, investors, and our plans for scaling to meet demand for better software infrastructure for the ag environment market. Read the AgFunder article for more details about this exciting investment.

"This is an exciting milestone for HabiTerre", said Kaiyu. "The world needs best-in-class science and technology to tackle the grand challenges of agricultural sustainability and climate change, and we put hard work into ensuring the science works first before commercialization of our technologies. Thanks hugely to the whole team, and especially shout out to the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign (UIUC) for supporting my university lab to develop our advanced science and license the technology to HabiTerre, and UIUC's Research Park to incubate our commercialization journey early on. Thanks also to the Department of Energy's ARPA-E SMARTFARM program, as well as other federal SBIR fundings from the National Science Foundation and Department of Agriculture to provide a jumpstart of our work to decarbonize the agricultural and biofuel sectors."

About HabiTerre

The HabiTerre team is dedicated to making the world a better and more habitable place by advancing sustainable agriculture and land stewardship with a holistic systems approach to farm productivity and resource use efficiency. We do this by helping farmers and the ag value chain maximize profitability and resilience by reducing negative environmental impacts like GHG emissions, nutrient, soil and Soil Organic Carbon (SOC) loss, and water use inefficiencies.

These capabilities and supporting technologies were developed at the University of Illinois Urbana Champaign to scalably, accurately, and cost-effectively quantify agricultural productivity and environmental impacts with the utmost scientific rigor. We use our leading-edge technology combining remote sensing, process models, and artificial intelligence to evaluate past, present and future cropland performance, including crop rotation, management history, yield, water use, nutrient dynamics, GHG emissions, and carbon sequestration.

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